Required and Supplementary Readings

for Psychology 612

Module 1: Test Development

Turner: APA's guidelines for test-user qualifications (required) (required)  (required)

Lowman: What every psychologist should know about assessment (optional)

  Testing and assessment: An employer's guide to good practices (O*NET) (optional for I/O types)

Module 2:  Reliability

            Alternative correlational techniques (Howell chapter) (required)

            Schmitt:  Uses and abuses of coefficient alpha (required)

            Cronbach and Shavelson:  My current thoughts on coefficient alpha and successor procedures (optional)

            Burke and Dunlap:  Estimating interrater agreement with the average deviation index: A user's guide (optional)

            Schuster:  A note on the interpretation of weighted kappa... (optional)

Module 3:  Validity

            Messick:  Validity of psychological assessment (required)

            Factor analysis (Kachigan chapter) (required)

            Brackett and Mayer:  Convergent, discriminant and incremental validity of competing measure of emotional intelligence (optional)

            Fiske and Campbell:  Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait multimethod matrix (optional)

            Lucas et al.:  Discriminant validity of well-being measures (optional)

            Multiple regression (Howell chapter) (required)

Module 5:  Item Response Theory


            Harvey and Hammer:  Item response theory (optional)

            Embretson:   The new rules of measurement (optional)